During your time at College, you will have a Progress Coach who you will see once a week for both group and one-to-one tutorials. Your coach will talk to you about a range of issues affecting the world around us, such as political issues, LGBTQ+ issues, mental health issues and wellbeing. Your coach will check in on your progress within College, as well as anything else you may be facing outside of the classroom. They will support you with achieving your goals and getting to your next steps. Our coaches work closely with the Your Future, Your Funding, Your Wellbeing and Your Learning Support teams to support you. This whole team is based in the Your Experience Hub on the ground floor, so they are easy to access at any time whilst you are in College.
These dedicated pastoral staff are here to help you to:
- Be informed about everything going on in College that is relevant to you.
- Manage your workload and be organised.
- Be supported for a learning difficulty and/or disability.
- Deal with any personal difficulties that may arise during your time with us.
- Plan your future, including writing references for jobs or university applications.

These dedicated pastoral staff are here to help you to:
- Be informed about everything going on in College that is relevant to you.
- Manage your workload and be organised.
- Be supported for a learning difficulty and/or disability.
- Deal with any personal difficulties that may arise during your time with us.
- Plan your future, including writing references for jobs or university applications.
Skills for Success is an initiative that connects all elements of your study programme at York College. It consists of incentivised initiatives so you can recognise and talk about how, when and why you’ve developed particular skills. These skills will support and evidence your progress and show potential employers and universities that you have developed key, wider personal and ‘work ready’ skills.
You can earn skills badges, build a personalised e-portfolio, and apply for Excellence Awards, by taking part in curriculum activities, volunteering, community projects, and cross-College initiatives. Now more than ever, we will be motivating you to think about the skills you are developing culturally and socially to prepare you for your next steps, as well expanding your horizons, raising your aspirations, and becoming the best you can be.