- An introduction that helps you to get to know the College, your course, key staff and other students
- Simple and clear guidelines to help you be successful
- Helpful advice and guidance about which courses to study
- Facilities and equipment to support your individual learning needs
- Friendly, caring, well qualified and supportive staff
- Interesting and stimulating classes with a variety of learning activities
- Work returned with helpful comments within agreed timescale
- Regular opportunities to discuss your progress
- Opportunities to express your views about the course and the College and be represented on appropriate committees including Board of Governors
- To feel safe, and free from discrimination and harassment
- To be treated and respected as an individual
- A clean, pleasant and safe college environment
- Information about support services available to you. For example: Learning Support, Counselling, Careers Advice and Guidance, Welfare, Financial Help.
- Respect other people regardless of differences in culture, ability, race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation or social class
- Attend your classes and other scheduled events regularly and punctually
- Complete set work on time and to the best of your ability
- Seek help if you need it
- Take care of the College buildings, furnishings and equipment and respect other people's property
- Help to make the College a safe and pleasant environment for everyone
- During your time at York College we will ask you if you think we have kept these promises.
As part of our commitment to continuous improvement we welcome your feedback. As a student, or user of the College, your views are often sought through surveys, invitations to specific meetings, and representation on a variety of student, course and College committees including the Student Course Representative Framework.

Useful Contacts
If you have any queries regarding the Student Charter you should contact Student Services:
Student Services:
Telephone: (01904) 770400
Email: info@yorkcollege.ac.uk

Useful Contacts
If you have any queries regarding the Student Charter you should contact Student Services:
Student Services:
Telephone: (01904) 770400
Email: info@yorkcollege.ac.uk
York College aims to provide employers and the local community with:
- Regular information about College programmes, services, facilities and costs.
- Opportunities to consult with appropriate staff and to express their views about the services provided by the College.
- Opportunities to express their current/future employee training needs.
- Feedback on the progress of employees attending day release/block release courses.
- A response to all enquiries within five working days.
The College aims to provide employers who receive students on work placement with:
- A clear written statement, prior to the start of the placement, outlining the main aims and individual roles and responsibilities, including the role of staff (College/ employer) involved in assessing and supervising students.
- Students who are well prepared and clear about their role and contribution to the employer's organisation.
- A named College contact who will consult them on policy issues and operational requirements for the period of the work placement.
If you have any problems or are dissatisfied with any aspect of your learning programme then in the first instance you should:
- Take any concerns about an academic/vocational matter to the staff member concerned.
- If you are still unhappy then ask to see the Head of Study responsible for the area in which you are studying.
- If it is a non-academic issue or problem, then you should discuss the matter with your Progress Tutor (who will direct you to the relevant person) or the manager of the service area concerned.
- Alternatively, you can choose to raise the matter with Student Services.
What to do if you have a complaint:
If you have a complaint or feel the College is not adhering to its Charter, there is a formal complaints procedure. This outlines both internal and external contact points. A copy of the complaints procedure and formal complaints form is available from the InfoZone or the Quality Improvement Team.
We have also made our College complaints policy available.
To fill in a complaints form please follow this link.