Your Progress
During your time at College, you will have a Progress Coach who you will see once a week for both group and one-to-one tutorials. Your coach will talk to you about a range of issues affecting the world around us, such as political issues, LGBTQ+ issues, mental health issues and wellbeing. Your coach will check in on your progress within College, as well as anything else you may be facing outside of the classroom.

Your Progress
During your time at College, you will have a Progress Coach who you will see once a week for both group and one-to-one tutorials. Your coach will talk to you about a range of issues affecting the world around us, such as political issues, LGBTQ+ issues, mental health issues and wellbeing. Your coach will check in on your progress within College, as well as anything else you may be facing outside of the classroom.
Your Well-being
Look after you. Your health and well-being is our number one priority. We offer termly health and well-being events. If you are experiencing any problems, feeling under pressure or finding it hard to cope, we have a free and confidential counselling service that you can access through our Mental Health and Well-being Service. We also have a team of Mental Health First Aiders on-hand throughout the working day.

Your Well-being
Look after you. Your health and well-being is our number one priority. We offer termly health and well-being events. If you are experiencing any problems, feeling under pressure or finding it hard to cope, we have a free and confidential counselling service that you can access through our Mental Health and Well-being Service. We also have a team of Mental Health First Aiders on-hand throughout the working day.
Our job is all about progression. Whether that’s coordinating work placements that students need to progress through their course, offering impartial careers advice to get students ready for the future, or working alongside the curriculum teams and progress coaches to develop students’ employability skills.

Your Funding
Explore funding options with York College. You may be eligible for additional funding support during your studies. Find out about support available including loans and bursaries.

Your Funding
Explore funding options with York College. You may be eligible for additional funding support during your studies. Find out about support available including loans and bursaries.
Your Learning Support
We offer support for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (SEN) including specialist staffing, equipment and resources and can make reasonable adjustments in discussion with the student, whether or not they have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

Your Learning Support
We offer support for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities (SEN) including specialist staffing, equipment and resources and can make reasonable adjustments in discussion with the student, whether or not they have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).
The Learning & Research team based in The Learning & Research Centre, play a huge part in Your Experience at the College. The team is here to help the whole College community access a wide range of electronic and print based learning resources. We liaise with both students and staff to ensure we find relevant and up-to-date material to enhance your studies and ensure you are expanding your knowledge outside of the classroom. We also provide advice and guidance on research, study skills and referencing. We work closely with your Progress Coaches and the curriculum teams in ensuring you are accessing the right information for your course and personal progress.
The Work Placement Team assists students in sourcing high quality placements where this is a requirement for their course, including the new T Levels. Working with students from a wide range of curriculum areas, they facilitate both short term and long term placements, allowing students to enhance their employability skills and progression opportunities.
If you're someone who provides unpaid help or support for someone who is disabled, physically or mentally ill, frail, or struggling with addiction, you may be a carer. Let us know about your caring responsibilities so we can help support you so you.
We want to ensure that everyone has the best chance to succeed, no matter their circumstances. We woking closely wih Virtual Heads, Social Workers, parents/carers and other support staff to ensure that 'looked after' students are as supported as can be.
Your Safety
We have a dedicated Safeguarding Lead in the College who is well-linked with your course teams and your Progress Coach to ensure that you are safe and that any issues preventing you from accessing your studies are dealt with in a confidential and timely manner.
For more information on safeguarding at York College email safeguarding@yorkcollege.ac.uk.