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Results 2024 FAQs

When do I get my results?

A Level, T Level and GCSE results are only released by the awarding organisations on Results Day. On-demand and vocational results are usually given to you by your tutor.

Can someone else collect my exam results?

No you must collect them yourself. We would love to see you in person on results day. There will be advice and guidance available if you wish to speak to someone. All results will be emailed to students from 8am via the college email account. The College cannot give results out over the phone.

Can I come in late on Results Day to collect my results?

Results can be collected between 8am and 10:00am. Exam results will be emailed to your college email address from 8am on results day. These can take up to 30 minutes to be sent to everyone. You can also access your results on the Student App - Enrolments from 8am on results day.

I’ve lost my results slip - can I get a new one?

Yes, please contact the Exams Office

What do I do if I’m not happy with my results?

If your results are lower than you expected them to be or you think that your marks are incorrect, you should contact the Exams Office about the post results service or apply through the Student Portal Exams Handbook.

To apply for the post results service you must complete a Post Results Service & Candidate Consent Form, as well as pay the appropriate fee on the York College online shop. This form can be accessed through the Student Portal Exams Handbook, all the fees and deadlines can be found within the Handbook and e-mailed to you with your results.

Note: a separate form is needed for each subject.

There are strict deadlines for post-results services, and any requests handed in after the deadline cannot be accepted.

The Exams Office helps run and organise over 10,000 general and vocational exams annually.

We’ve prepared these pages to answer the most common questions students and parents/guardians may have. We hope that you find the information on these pages useful, and we wish you all the best in your exams.

Students with questions about our autumn exams should check out our Exams Q&A Document as it has lots of useful information.

Contact Us

You can contact the Exams Office in the following ways:

Write: Exams Office, York College, Sim Balk Lane, York, YO23 2BB

Phone: 01904 770325 (we do not have voicemail – please try again later if your call does not go through)


Exams Office Opening Hours

Room 1F117

Monday to Thursday: 8:30am – 4:30pm

Friday: 8:30am – 4:00pm

Exams FAQs

What time do exams start?

For A Level and GCSE exams; morning exams start at 9:15 and afternoon exams start at 13:30.

On-demand exams or vocational exams may have different start times – consult your tutor.

What awarding organisations does York College use for subjects?

York College uses a variety of Awarding Bodies for our courses. Please contact the Exams Office for any specific enquiries.

Where are student exam timetables accessible?

Student timetables are accessible via the Student App.

How do I find out which room I will be in for my exam?

Most exam locations are published on your exam timetable, available via the Student App. Where there is no location specified, check the seating plan displayed in the Atrium on the day of your exam for exam room locations.

I have an exam clash – can I revise in the isolation room?

Yes, you will be permitted to revise for your upcoming exam while in isolation, but you will not be permitted to use any electronic devices.

What happens if I’m late for my exam?

You must contact the Exams Office if you believe you will be late for the exam. Students who arrive 30 minutes after the exam has started may be able to sit the exam – but the awarding organisation might not accept your exam paper. Students who arrive after their exam has finished will not be permitted to sit the exam.

If I’m absent for an exam can I re-sit it?

A Level and GCSE exam dates are not changeable; you cannot sit them at a later date. Re-sits are only available in very exceptional circumstances and have to be agreed by a member of the senior leadership team.

For on-demand and vocational exams, you should contact your tutor to see if you can re-sit an exam you have missed.

What should I bring to my exam?

You must bring a black pen, pencils, any mathematical instruments and calculators, and any other equipment required for the exam. Highlighters are permitted, but you must only write answers in black pen.

Pencil cases must be transparent/fully see-through and water bottles must be transparent/fully see-through with no labels.

If you require medication during your exam, speak to the Exams Office or invigilator beforehand.

Do I need to bring ID to my exam?

You must bring photographic ID to your exam, such as your York College ID Card. Students without photographic ID, whose identity cannot be confirmed, will not be permitted to sit the exam.

I am entitled to supervised rest breaks – can I leave the exam room?

Yes, you must raise your hand to request a supervised rest break if this has been agreed as part of your Access Arrangement.

Where will my personal belongings be stored during the exam?

We recommend storing any personal belongings not permitted in the exam (phone, rucksack, books) in your student locker or at home.

Otherwise personal belongings will be stored away from the exam and you will not be able to access them. Personal belongings are stored at your own risk.

I’ve had an unexpected injury before my exam that might affect my performance – what can I do?

You should contact the Learning Support Office immediately.

Can exam rooms change?

In exceptional circumstances exam rooms can change. You should always check the Atrium on the day of your exam to confirm the location of your exam.

I want to book a holiday - when are the exam dates?

A Level exams usually begin in the second week of May and end in the last week of June. Full exam dates are published by the awarding organisations.

For November exams, timetables are published in mid-October.

For summer exams, timetables are published in April.

On-demand and vocational exam information will be given to you by your tutor.

An exam on my timetable isn’t correct or I am missing an exam – what do I do?

You must contact the Exams Office immediately.

I’m entitled to access arrangements but they’re not on my timetable?

You must contact the Exams Office immediately.

I have an exam clash – will York College buy me lunch while I’m in the isolation room?

No, you should bring your own packed lunch and a drink, and you will be permitted to have these over lunch while you are under supervision.

What happens if I can’t attend my exam?

You should contact the Exams Office if you are unable to attend the exam. If you have experienced an unavoidable exceptional circumstance beyond your control that has caused you to miss your exam, we may be able to apply for special consideration, but you must provide evidence.

When should I arrive for my exam?

Endeavour to arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of your exam.

What can’t I bring into my exam?

You cannot bring any electronic devices into the exam room. You cannot bring coats, scarves, or hats into the exam room, without prior arrangement with the Exams Office. You cannot bring food into the exam room, without prior arrangement with the Exams Office. You cannot bring dictionaries into the exam room – if you are entitled to a dictionary this will be provided by the Exams Office.

Students found to have brought prohibited items into the exam room are liable for disqualification.

Can I leave the exam before the end time?

No, you must stay for the whole duration of the exam even if you have finished.

I am entitled to a coloured overlay – can York College provide one?

York College does not provide coloured overlays for exams – you must provide your own. We cannot give you one if you forget yours.

I need a toilet break during an exam – will I get the extra time back?

No, you will not get any extra time for going to the toilet during an exam.

I’ve finished my exam but I think I filled in the front of my exam paper wrong – what do I do?

You must check the front of your exam paper to ensure everything has been completed. Candidate number, paper code and where applicable sign your name, the invigilators will not be able to complete any missing information. All answer booklets are checked by staff before being sent off to the awarding organisations for marking, but if you have any concerns please come to the Exams Office.

Certificates FAQs

When do I get my certificates?

Certificates must be collected from the Exams Office, 1F117.

Summer GCSE, A Level, T Level, BTEC certificates are usually received in college in late November. We will email you to advise availability for collection.

November GCSE certificates are usually received in college in the following March. We will email you to advise availability for collection.

Do you have a copy of my certificates?

No, we do not keep copies of certificates. You will need to contact the awarding organisations directly for replacements.

Why have I not received my certificates but my friends have received theirs?

Sometimes certificates arrive in the Exams Office out of order, and your friends may receive certificates before you do.

I have moved overseas – can my certificates be sent abroad?

Yes, we can send certificates abroad, as long as you have paid for the postage. This must be paid for via the online shop. Make sure you update your address with us so that we don’t send correspondence to your old UK address.

How long do you keep uncollected certificates for?

We hold certificates for 12 months in the Exams Office before destroying them, in line with the Data Protection Act.

I studied at York College in the past – do you still have information on my enrolments and results?

We only hold student information for seven years, in line with the Data Protection Act. If you studied here longer than seven years ago we will not have any information.

I’ve lost my certificates – what do I do?

You will have to contact the awarding organisation directly to request and pay for replacement certificates. We can assist you if you require your candidate or registration number.

What is York College’s Centre Number?

Our Centre Number is 48357.

I think my certificate is wrong – what do I do?

If you have received a certificate and your personal details (name, date of birth etc) are incorrect, or you believe the grade is wrong, please contact the Exams Office as soon as possible.

You will have to return the original certificate to be securely destroyed before any amended certificates can be issued.

I have a question that hasn’t been answered here – who can I contact?

Contact the Exams Office, or see the Contact us page for details of other York College contacts.

My employer/university requires proof of my results but I haven’t received my certificate yet – what can I do?

We may be able to help you, please contact the Exams Office.

JCQ Rules & Regulations

Exams held at York College are subject and governed by the Joint Council for Qualifications. It is important these rules and regulations are strictly adhered to. Please find below some key documents from JCQ:

Private and External Candidates

Unfortunately York College does not accept private/external candidates.

Please contact York Learning, a York-based centre which does accept private/external candidates for English and Maths GCSEs, on 01904 554277.

Exam Stress

The Exams period can be a very stressful time for students, learning how to cope and manage stress is an important learning process.

See our leaflet on exam stress and the best way to deal with it.

York College also offers a counselling service for students. Follow this link to find the contacts and resources for York College's student counselling service.

Exam Checklist
  • Ensure York College has your up to date address

When you check your timetable

  • Check your name and date of birth is correct on your timetable
  • Check you have been entered for all the exams you are expecting to be entered to
  • If you have an exam clash, note the new times of your exams

Before the Exam

  • Check you have a black pen, pencils, any mathematical instruments, and any equipment required for the exam
  • Note your candidate number; this must be written on every answer booklet
  • If you have an exam clash that is over three hours, prepare a packed lunch and a drink

Day of the Exam

  • Ensure you have your York College ID Card with you
  • Make sure to leave for York College with plenty of time to spare, to arrive 15 minutes before the start time
  • Ensure you have no electrical devices including phones and all watches on your person
  • Check the notice boards in the Atrium to confirm the exam location in the event there have been any changes
  • If you have access arrangements that require you to be in a separate room - proceed directly to that room
  • If your exam is in the Sports Hall, note your seat number outside on the notice board

In the Exam

  • If your exam is in the Sports Hall, proceed to your designated seat number – do not change seats
  • If you are entitled to extra time this will be noted on your desk. If there is no note and you are expecting extra time, advise the invigilator before the exam starts
  • If you are entitled to any other access arrangements these will be given to you in the course of the exam
  • Listen carefully to the invigilator’s announcement
  • Make sure you have the correct exam paper and read the exam paper instructions carefully
  • You must use your full legal name on all exam papers
Exam Timetables

Exam timetables for A Level and GCSE students are available through the student app.

Please note: you will receive an e-mail during the Easter holidays confirming your access arrangements.

Students completing on-demand or vocational exams will have exam date, time, and location information sent to them by their tutor.

GCSE Exams

    Friday 10th May – Biology Paper 1 (8461/1F)

    Thursday 16th May – Maths Paper 1 (1MA1 1F/H)

    Thursday 23rd May – English Language Paper 1 (8700/1)

    Monday 3rd June – Maths Paper 2 (1MA1 2F/H)

    Thursday 6th June – English Language Paper 2 (8700/2)

    Friday 7th June – Biology Paper 2 (8461/2F)

    Monday 10th June – Maths Paper 3 (1MA1 3F/H)

Exam Clashes

Two papers that clash and result in a total exam time of three hours or less is known as a follow-on. You will complete one after the other, without leaving the exam room – though this will be confirmed on the day.

Two papers that clash and result in a time of over three hours is known as an exam clash.

You will be supervised and isolated from other candidates from the end of the morning exam until the start of the afternoon exam. Upon completion of your morning exam, it is essential that you remain in your seat until collected by the invigilator to be taken to the isolation room. You will not be permitted to leave the isolation room so you should bring a packed lunch and drink. You must not be in possession of any electronic devices during this period.

One paper will be displaced and this will show on your timetable. If you drop one of these subjects, which results in you no longer having a clash, you must inform the Exams Office (1F117) as the displaced paper will return to its original time.

Access Arrangements and Special Considerations

York College can provide support to students with disabilities, special educational needs, or temporary injuries in their exams. To apply for these access arrangements you must be assessed by Learning Support.

To refer yourself to Learning Support please complete a self-referral and data protection form, available from the Learning Support Office in 1F038, or contact Sandra Jackson at the office or through 01904 770172,

If you are in any doubt on what to do please speak to your Progress Coach.

Please find the self-referral form here.

Please find the data protection form here.

Learning Support will assess you to ensure that you are entitled to access arrangements. Access arrangements can only be applied for if the arrangements are your ‘normal way of working’, or if you have had an unexpected injury that will impact how you take an exam. For example, if you are applying for the use of a word processor in exams, Learning Support must have evidence that you use a word processor to complete work in class, and that not using a word processor for an exam will substantially disadvantage you.

Access arrangements you are entitled to will be written on your timetable. Separate exam rooms for access arrangements can be found on the notice boards printed on the day of the exam. If you believe you are entitled to access arrangements that are not shown on your timetable, contact the Exams Office immediately.

Access Arrangements Deadline

You must make Learning Support aware as soon as possible of any arrangements you may require as there is a strict deadline, set by the awarding organisations, to when access arrangements can be applied for. You may not receive any access arrangements if you apply to Learning Support after this deadline.

The deadline to process applications is still to be announced, check back here for updates.

If you suffer from an unexpected injury after this deadline, which may impact your performance in exams, please contact Learning Support immediately.

Access Arrangements from Secondary School

If you were entitled to any access arrangements in secondary school, it is important to know that these will not carry forward to York College, and in most instances you will have to be reassessed by Learning Support. This is because we will not have evidence that establishes your normal way of working.

Special Consideration

If you feel you have been disadvantaged during your exam due to unavoidable exceptional circumstances beyond your control, please contact the Exams Office as soon as possible after your exam. Evidence is required and you must contact us within seven days of the exam. Requests made after this may not be accepted.

Access to Scripts, Reviews of Results & Appeals Procedure

You can find our Access to Scripts, Reviews of Results & Appeals Procedure document here.


If your results are lower than you expected them to be or you think that your marks are incorrect, you should contact the Exams Office about the post-results service.

To apply for the post results service you must complete a Post Results Service & Candidate Consent Form, as well as pay the appropriate fee on the York College online shop.

Note: a separate form is needed for each subject

There are strict deadlines for post-results services, and any requests handed in after the deadline cannot be accepted.

The latest Post-Results Service Deadlines and Fees Document will be made available here when available.

Replacement Certificates

York College cannot order replacement certificates if you have misplaced your original certificates. To order replacements, please contact the awarding organisation directly. There is usually a charge for this service. If you do not remember what awarding organisation or your candidate number/registration number, contact the Exams Office and we may be able to help you.

Post Results Refunds

For A Levels: if your overall grade changes you will receive a full refund of the post-results service fee.

For GCSEs: if your overall grade changes you will receive a full refund of the post-results service fee.

Refunds will be refunded to the original card used at the time of the enquiry of results.