We would like to take this opportunity to offer you the chance to discuss the progress and development of your young person with link subject tutors in their chosen subject/s at College.
Parent/Carer discussions are taking place virtually on the following dates:
24th Feb – 27th Feb 2025 A Level Discussions (2nd year students only)
3rd Mar – 6th Mar 2025 Vocational Discussions
NB. 1st year A Level Parents Evenings will be held in June and further communications will be issued nearer the time
Meetings will be held via Microsoft Teams. Your appointment for parents evening will require the download of Microsoft Teams. This is a free product that requires no registration, just a download to either your mobile or laptop.
Please note that each curriculum area has a booking system assigned to their tutors
- You will need to select the booking page that is relevant to the subject area your young person is studying in
- If your young person is studying A Levels then you may need to access booking pages in different subject areas
- Appointments range from 5 – 15 minutes depending on the subject area and number of tutors available
- If you are unsure which subject area or tutor to book with please check the original email from College or speak to your young person.
- Click on the relevant subject area bookings link
- Click on the date you would like to attend
- Click on the tutor relevant to your young person
- Select the time you would like to attend the appointment, please only book one appointment per time slot
- Add your details as requested at the bottom of the bookings page
- Click Book
- You will receive an email confirming the date and time of your appointment
Art & Design
A Level Art bookings - book here
- A2 Fine Art - Louise Noble or Paul Rigby
- A2 Photography - Lisa Rigg or Diane Holt
- A2 Textiles - Kate White or Maddie Cochrane
Vocation Art bookings -book here
- L1 Art & Design - Maddie Cochrane
- L2 Art & Design - Emmi Thornton Crowley
- L2 Art & Design - Charlotte Dawson
- L3 Creative Practice Art and Design Year 1 - Fiona Hirst
- L3 Creative Practice Art and Design Year 1 - Francesca King
- L3 Creative Practice Art and Design Year 1 - Deana McNally
- L3 Creative Practice Art and Design Year 2 - Danielle Stubbs
- L3 Creative Practice Art and Design Year 2 - Penny Mariott
L3 Creative Practice Art and Design Year 2 - Stu Harvey - L3 Creative Practice Fashion Year 1&2 - Tara Berridge
- L3 Creative Practice Graphics Year 1 - Frankie Payne
- L3 Creative Practice 3D Design Year1&2 - Ellie Crosby
Dear parents/guardians, before booking you will need the course name and group, and student reference number (this is the 6 digit number at the top of the student ID card).
- Entry Level 3 Construction Skills (Brick) X1 - Greg Hardy
- Level 1 Diploma Bricklaying X1 - Greg Hardy
- Level 1 Diploma Bricklaying X1 - Harpal Sambhi
- Level 1 Diploma Bricklaying X2- Harpal Sambhi
- Level 2 Diploma Bricklaying X1 - Harpal Sambhi
- Entry 3 Construction Skills (C&J) X1 - Stuart Dalton
- Level 1 Diploma in Carpentry & Joinery X1 - Cedric Cotilleau
- Level 1 Diploma in Carpentry & Joinery X2 - Cedric Cotilleau
- Level 1 Diploma in Carpentry & Joinery X3 - Nige Ellwood
- Level 1 Diploma in Carpentry & Joinery X4 - Nige Ellwood
- Level 1 Diploma in Carpentry & Joinery X5 - Adam Keene
- Level 2 Diploma in Carpentry & Joinery X1 - Nige Ellwood
- Level 2 Diploma in Electrical Installation X1 - Oli Mills
- Level 2 Diploma in Electrical Installation X2 - Dan Coults
- Level 2 Diploma in Electrical Installation X3 - Dan Coults
- Level 3 T-Level BSE (Electrical Installation) Yr1 X1 - James Till
- Level 3 T-Level BSE (Electrical Installation) Yr2 X1 - James Till
- Entry Level 3 Construction Skills (P&D) X1 - Tom Hicks
- Level 1 Diploma in Painting & Decorating X1 - Tom Hicks
- Level 2 Diploma in Painting & Decorating X1 - Martin Atkinson
- Level 2 Diploma in Plumbing & Heating X1 - Steve Whaling
- Level 2 Diploma in Plumbing & Heating X2 - Jake Tildesley
- Level 3 T-Level Design Surveying & Planning Yr1 X1 - Ian Walker
- Level 3 T-Level Design Surveying & Planning Yr2 X1 - Ian Walker
Digital & Media
Dear parents/guardians, before booking you will need the course name and group, and student reference number (this is the 6 digit number at the top of the student ID card). Please only book with the tutor assigned to that course following the list below and check with your child what member of staff is doing which parents evening first, thank you.
A Level - book here.
- Film Studies - Neil Smith
- Film Studies - Josh Roberts
- Media Studies - Brittany Clarke
- Media Studies - Martha Cook
- Media Studies - Simon Smith
- Computing Science - Richard Hind
- Computing Science - Andy Stanway
- Computing Science - Matthew Longman
Vocational & T Level - book here.
- Level 2 Creative Media & Level 3 Creative Media - Chantelle Pulleyn
- Level 2 & Level 3 Creative Media - Chelsea Britton
- Level 3 Creative Media - Scott Langford
- Level 3 Creative Media - David Bakes
- Level 1 Creative Computing - Nicola Blofeld
- Level 2 Computing & Games Development - David Marshall
- Level 3 Computer Games Development - Steve Atkin
- Level 3 Computer Games Development - Elaine George
- T Level Digital - Matthew Longman
Early Years
Darryl Okey - Year 2 A Level Design Technology : Product Design
Darryl Okey - Year 2 BTEC Extended Certificate in Engineering (A Level equivalent)
Alex Benn - Level 2 Performing Engineering Operations (PEO) GROUPS X1 & X2
Si Wheeler - Level 2 Performing Engineering Operations (PEO) GROUPS X3 & X4
Ian Fraser - Level 2 Transition to T Level
Alex Benn - Level 3 Diploma in Engineering & Technology
Graeme Woodhall - Year 1 BTEC Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
Tony Pollard - Year 2 BTEC Extended Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
Andy Graham - Year 1 T Level Engineering and Manufacturing
Mick Wilson - Year 2 T Level Engineering and Manufacturing
GCSE English - book here.
A Level English - book here.
Hair & Beauty
Hospitality & Tourism
Please book an appointment with your course tutor on the available dates, appointments are 5 minutes long and if you have any specific questions please add these to the comments when booking so that the tutor can have the information ready for you.
Book here.
Humanities & Social Sciences
GCSE Maths - book here.
A Level Maths - book here.
Motor Vehicle
Dear parents/guardians, before booking you will need the course name and group, and student reference number (this is the 6 digit number at the top of the student ID card). Please only book with the tutor assigned to that course following the list below, thank you.
- Entry Level 3 Motor Vehicle - Stuart Nelson
- Level 1 Motor Vehicle - Jim McMahon
- Level 2 Vehicle Insp - Iain Hannigan
- Level 2 Diploma DE Group 1 and Level 2 Dip Progression Group 1 - John Clifton
- Level 2 Diploma DE Group 2 - Neil Wilkinson
- Level 3 Motor Vehicle - Guy Craven
Performance & Production
Dear parents/guardians, before booking you will need the course name, student name and reference number (this is the 6 digit number at the top of the student ID card).
Please only book with the tutor assigned to that course following the list below and check with your child what member of staff is doing which parents evening first, thank you.
A Level - book here.
- Drama & Theatre Studies - James McMahon-Harvey
- Music - Andrew Cleaton
- Music Technology - Andrew Cleaton
- Music Technology - Mathew Trolle
Vocational - book here.
- Level 2 Performance & Production Arts - James McMahon-Harvey
- Level 3 Acting – Year 1 - Gareth Parry
- Level 3 Acting - Year 2 - Shannon Collins
- Level 3 Backstage Arts - Dale Osborne
- Level 3 Dance & Musical Theatre - Emma Fawcett
- Level 2 Music Performance & Production - Chris Walsh
- Level 3 Music Performance & Production - Gordon Train
Skills & Inclusion
Dear parents/guardians, before booking you will need the course name and group, and student reference number (this is the 6 digit number at the top of the student ID card). Please only book with the tutor assigned to that course following the list below, thank you.
- L2 Skills Centre - Mandy Hardy
- L2 Skills Centre (Nov start) - Berta Rodrigues
- L1 Skills Centre - Kerry Munro
Sport & Uniformed Services
All tutors are identifiable as course leads in their title. Can parents and carers please take the time to ensure that they book appointments with tutors that have oversite of your young person's course.
Book here.