This is a unique type of partnership, which gives both hosts and students the opportunity to learn from each other and experience each other’s culture first hand.
For students, it is also a great way to improve your English.
This page focusses on homestay, but we can provide information about
other types of accommodation for students over the age of 18, please do
get in touch -

Information for homestay hosts
We work with approximately 60 local households who provide accommodation for College students. This page contains information both for those wishing to join the group and for existing providers.
What do I need to provide?
The following information is a summary of the most important things that homestay hosts provide:
- A clean, safe and friendly living environment
- A study bedroom for each student which includes a desk and adequate space to store clothes
- Use of a bathroom (need not be en-suite)
- Breakfast and an evening meal 7 days per week plus lunch over the weekend
- Space for students to store their own food
- Use of communal living areas (e.g. living room, dining room, garden etc)
- Use of the internet
- Support for students, especially at the start of the year
What else do I need to do?
In addition, there are certain things we ask of you as hosts which are required to fulfil our legal obligations and to ensure we can support both you and our students:
- A representative from each household will be asked to sign a formal agreement before they can host students.
- Every household must supply a gas safety check certificate at least once per year.
- Homestay providers are required to complete a fire risk assessment of their property annually.
- All adults resident in a homestay household (other than paying students/lodgers) must undergo an enhanced criminal record check every four years. The cost of this is met by the College.
- All adults are required to carry out Level 1 Safeguarding Children Awareness training, paid for by the College.
- Finally, a member of College staff will visit you in your home before you host your first student and once per year thereafter to check that everything is in order and to answer any questions you may have.
If you are interested in becoming a homestay host, please contact us on 01904 770490 or email
More detailed information is available in our Homestay Handbook for hosts.
Information for students
Finding the right place to live is a very important part of your preparation for study at York College. The College does not have its own accommodation but we do work with a large network of homestay providers who offer a safe, comfortable, British home from home!
All of our homestays are within walking distance of the College or a short bus ride away. The College carries out all necessary checks to make sure that homestay providers meet national standards of quality and safety, giving all students the best possible year in the UK.
More detailed information is available in our Homestay Handbook for students.
Please note that homestay placements are limited and may not be available for all applicants.
How do I arrange accommodation through the College?
The first step is to tell us your accommodation preferences. When we make you an offer we will send you a web link to an online form.
This gives you the chance to tell us a bit about yourself and the type of accommodation you require. We look at all our applicants together from May and you can expect to hear about your homestay host in July.
Costs and other details
In most homestay arrangements all meals are provided except for lunch during the week. You will have your own bedroom with a desk, bed, chair and space to store your things. This includes internet access and all bills.
Other types of accommodation
Homestay accommodation is the only type of accommodation that is arranged directly by the College. However, if you are over the age of 18, you can choose to live in privately rented accommodation, most likely a shared house. In a shared house you have your own room and share the rest of the facilities in the house with the other students living in the house.
For more information about private accommodation, please email or call 0044 1904 770 490.