York College says 'We've Got it Covered'
York College has joined forces with partners across York to launch a campaign to reassure residents that safety measures have been put in place across the city to encourage wider use of face coverings, hand washing and social distancing, in order to stop the spread of coronavirus.
With children returning to school, businesses opening their doors and the city preparing to welcome students, the city is showing how people are coming together to look after one another. Over the coming weeks, the ‘we’ve got it covered campaign’ will show how organisations have put in place measures to make it easier for people to follow public health advice, in order to protect themselves and each other. Those who can wear a face covering are being asked to wear one in any space they can’t socially distance from people outside their household, both indoors and outdoors.
The campaign is part City of York Council’s ‘Let’s Be York’ initiative, encouraging people to be safe, welcoming and considerate in our fantastic city and to protect each other. The campaign also reminds people that, for very good reason, some individuals may not be able to wear a face covering and to support them as they move around the city safely. It also recognises the importance of handwashing, social distancing and staying at home and getting tested if you have symptoms.
Partners involved in the campaign are: City of York Council, NHS Vale of York CCG, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, York BID, University of York, York St John University, York College, Askham Bryan College, First York, York CVS and St Leonard’s Hospice.
Councillor Keith Aspden, Leader of City of York Council and Chair of the York Outbreak Management Advisory Board said: “It is encouraging to see partners across the city coming together in order to slow the spread of the virus. It is incredibly important that we continue to take a public health approach as we build back better and promote key public health measures, such as face coverings, as part of this work. The campaign also highlights how people from across the city have been working hard to keep everyone safe, including residents, businesses, colleges and our universities. I am grateful to everyone, including our partners and local residents, for their hard work in adapting to national guidance. We must keep going to keep cases low in the city and ultimately, keep people safe.”
Sharon Stoltz, Director of Public Health said: “We are grateful to everyone who is following public health guidance in the city to wash hands, keep 2m apart from others, wear a face covering and to stay at home and get tested if you have symptoms. The actions of everyone have meant cases in the city have stayed low. It is vital this continues and face coverings are a really important way we can stop the virus for spreading and I would ask those that can to wear them anywhere they can’t socially distance from people outside their household.”
Louise Doswell, Deputy Chief Executive of York College, said: “At York College we have worked hard to ensure all staff and students are fully aware of the increased hygiene measures we have in place for everyone’s safety. "We have provided all staff and students with free face coverings and a full induction into our new way of working and learning. As a partner in the ‘we’ve got it covered’ campaign it is great to see how all members have joined forces in demonstrating their commitment in keeping York safe for all who work, learn and visit.”
Find out more details about the We've Got it Covered campaign and how to get involved.