York College donates Christmas hampers to families in need
Families in need of some Christmas cheer this year will receive a festive hamper thanks to staff and students from York College & University Centre.
The College handed over more than 40 hampers full of donated goods, as part of a joint initiative with Christian charity The Besom in York.
They will now be distributed to households who have been deemed appropriate recipients by Social Services.
The hampers have been filled with non-perishable produce such as tinned food, rice, pasta, stuffing mix, coffee and tea, as well as festive goodies including yule logs, chocolate, mince pies and Christmas puddings.
Toys for children, hats, scarves, gloves, towels, toiletries, games, stationery and socks have also been packed together with more Yuletide staples like fairy lights, tinsel, baubles, crackers, tablecloths and candles.
Christmas cards from the people who put the hampers together were included, too.
Religion and Philosophy tutor Anna Lewis oversaw the College hamper appeal, which included a group of student volunteers making the hamper boxes from cardboard and wrapping paper.
Thanking the students for their help, Anna added: “As well as being a good thing it itself, I believe initiatives like this are important because each of the students involved can think, ‘When I leave College, I could so something like this’.
“It leads to students realising they have a capacity to support the communities they live in and, whilst I look at ethics in theory as a tutor, it’s also valuable for them to see it in practice as well. I’d also like to say a huge thank you to everybody who generously donated items for such a worthy cause.”
For more information about The Besom in York charity, please click here