York College Class of 2020 Celebrate Success
Everyone at York College proudly celebrates the tremendous achievements of the Class of 2020, as A Level and Level 3 Vocational qualification results are confirmed. The whole College community applauds them for demonstrating outstanding resilience, effort and commitment in their studies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Following the lockdown in March, York College students and staff adapted well to learning remotely; accessing online teaching sessions and independent teaching materials, delivered to the highest standard by tutors. Not being able to attend College in the usual way, and never having experienced remote learning before, students embraced the change in order to continue their studies and ultimately achieve their ambitions – they were determined not to be held back by the restrictions imposed by COVID-19. With commitment and dedication, the students’ hard work is now enabling them to progress onto university, further training or employment, and they can look to the future with the qualification they originally set out to achieve before their lives were dramatically turned upside down.
Amongst the hundreds of York College students excited to embark onto the next stage of their educational journey/careers, are:
Harry Walker who is progressing to the University of Surrey to study Veterinary Science, having achieved Biology (A*), Maths (A*), Chemistry (A). Harry says: “In lockdown each subject tutor did what they could to make studying accessible, and I want to say a big thank you to them.”
Robbie Messenger is looking forward to taking a gap year before studying Physics at Lancaster University in 2021. (Physics (A*), Further Maths (A*), Maths (A*), Chemistry (A). Robbie says: “My tutors have been so supportive throughout the whole of my time at York College, and especially during lockdown. I’ve had a great time at College and now I’m looking forward to studying my favourite subject at university.”
Rebecca Edwards is going on to study Games Development at York St John University, having achieved a Distinction in Creative Media Level 3 at York College. Rebecca says: “’I’ve always been interested in Creative Media, and chose York College as the course offered more practical input and helped me to figure out which area I’d like to go into in the future. During lockdown I was able to access the software I needed at home, to work on my Final Major Project, and also had regular Teams meetings with my tutors.”
Matt Phillips is taking a gap year and wants to study Computer Science at university next year. He is delighted with his results; Maths (A*), Further Maths (A*), Computer Science (A). Matt says: “Overall, my experience at York College has been beyond what I expected. Lockdown happened so quickly and my tutors stepped up to the plate and just carried on teaching. I am so grateful for their support.”
Elysia Normanton is excited to study Medicine at the University of Birmingham having achieved fantastic results: Biology (A*), Chemistry (A), Maths (A). Elysia says: “I chose York College as I was ready for a different, more mature environment which has allowed me the freedom to focus on what I’ve needed to work on. Studying through lockdown has been very different, but I’ve had regular contact with my tutors, which has really helped.”
Grace Clark will study Multimedia Journalism at the University of Salford, and then hopes to have a gap year before studying a Masters in Investigative Journalism. Grace is overjoyed with her results: Politics (A), Law (A), Religious Studies (A*) and an Extended Project Qualification (A*). She says: “Lockdown has been difficult, but the support from College has been amazing. My tutors were always there for me, I had regular online lectures in all my subjects, and even the option of doing addition lectures!”
The following students successfully secured their Oxbridge places this year:
Annie Brown will study Natural Sciences at Pembroke College, Cambridge. Annie achieved Physics (A*), Chemistry (A*), Maths (A*), Further Maths (A)
Keturah Sergeant will study Classical Archaeology & Ancient History at Balliol College, Oxford. Keturah achieved Ancient History (A), Late Medieval & Early Modern History (A*), Religious Studies (A*), Politics (A).
Leah Oates will study Modern Languages (French and Spanish) at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. Leah achieved French (A*), Spanish (A), and English Literature (A)
Following an unconditional offer last year, Eloise Peniston will study English Literature at Somerville College, Oxford. Eloise has taken a gap year following her A Levels in English Literature, Psychology, Drama & Theatre Studies.
Lee Probert, York College Chief Executive and Principal says: “There’s never been a more testing time to be nervously waiting for exam results. Our results reflect the high-quality work of a skilled and dedicated staff team, navigating a complex process. I am enormously proud of how our staff and students have worked during the period of lockdown. Whilst there is a lot of noise about the process for determining grades, our collective priority is our students and supporting them to achieve their progression ambitions. These results are an important milestone in a student’s journey and we’re here to ensure that journey continues in a positive way.”