What are the benefits of studying at York College & University Centre?
Here we'll explore the benefits of studying at York College & University Centre, and why York College might be the perfect next step in your education journey.
We understand that choosing where to study is an important decision to make, so read on to discover the benefits of studying with us, and hear from our students and staff about what it's like to be part of the College community.
Here at York College & University Centre, we have the widest choice of A Levels in the region, as well as an extensive variety of Vocational courses, Apprenticeships, and T Level courses - we have something to suit everyone, whatever your interest and ability.
You can also study our A Level options in almost any combination, without having to worry about picking subjects from certain blocks or worrying about timetable clashes.
"York College & University Centre provides a more adult learning environment. The atmosphere here is more mature and it feels like students are here because they want to learn, not because they are forced to.
York College & University Centre creates a great environment for learning. Tutors are specialists in their field and are very approachable."
Shakirah, A Level student.
Our £60 million building offers an amazing array of facilities designed to enhance your study, build your skills and knowledge and help prepare you for employment.
With access to incredible facilities such as our Inspired hair and beauty salons, the Alan Ayckbourn theatre, Ashfields restaurant, state-of-the-art sports facilities and many more, studying at York College & University Centre enables you to gain real, hands-on skills in your area of study and enhances your student experience.
"I chose to study at York College as the facilities are amazing. The facilities provide the equipment needed to get an understanding of the course and apply it to real-life situations. Everyone who I spoke to about York College mentioned how fun it was and so I thought I would apply, and I love it!"
Catrina, Hair & Media Make-up Diploma Level 2 student.
York College & University Centre is a step up from GCSE study, and studying with us is great preparation for university, allowing students to experience a larger setting while still benefitting from a supportive and nurturing environment.
"I have really enjoyed my time at York College. It was an amazing experience to be able to meet so many new people that I may not have had the opportunity to do at some smaller colleges. The immense support from tutors, progress tutors and students has allowed me to feel extremely comfortable. After College I intend to study MPsych Clinical Psychology for five years at university to ultimately pursue a career in the NHS as a Clinical Psychologist."
Matthew, A Level student.
Our A Levels are timetabled over four days per week, Vocational and T Level courses are usually timetabled over three or four days per week, and Apprenticeships offer a blend of learning in College (either one day per week or on block release) and in the workplace.
This condensed timetable helps with travel costs and enables students to have time for other commitments, such as extra home study, part-time jobs and hobbies.
"I have always been interested in how things work and so this course was perfect for me to understand the world of engineering. My experience at College has been very positive. The tutors treat us like adults; we have fun but do work to a very high level. The work is hard and demanding but throughout you know how it relates to the real world, which makes it more engaging."
Tom, Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (Multiskill) Extended Diploma Level 3 student.
During their time at College, students will have a Progress Coach who they will see once a week for both group and one-to-one tutorials. Progress coaches will talk to students about a range of issues affecting the world around us, such as political issues, LGBTQ+ issues, mental health issues and wellbeing.
Progress coaches will check on student progress within College, as well as anything else they may be facing outside of the classroom. They support students with achieving their goals and next steps. Our coaches work closely with the Your Future, Your Funding, Your Wellbeing and Your Learning Support teams to support our students. This whole team is based in the Your Experience Hub on the ground floor, so they are easy to access at any time.
"The support here is like nothing I’ve experienced before at secondary school. The Progress Tutors are really helpful in planning your future, providing emotional support and generally being someone to look out for you in College. My tutors are always around for extra help and support which is so helpful especially during exam time."
Stephanie, A Level student.
We offer a rich variety of Xtra-Curricular activities and events that develop skills to enhance employability and self-development.
All students are encouraged to take up a range of options to participate in new and exciting activities, develop personal skills, make new friends and gain valuable experience. Our Xtra-Curricular activities run on a daily basis, throughout the week at College. Each session is aimed to fit around every timetable and students have the freedom to choose which sessions they want to run and attend.
From Dungeons & Dragons to Colouring Club and Badminton to Model UN, we have something for all interests.
“I always found Debating Society really enjoyable! We always debated topics that were in the news which made it particularly interesting, especially because I study Politics, where having a good knowledge of current affairs is important. There were also plenty of opportunities to lead or chair debates as well as just to sit in to hear the arguments."
Debate Society & A Level Politics student.
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