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T Level students Jackson and Luke on right track for engineering careers with Northern placement

Jackson Clark and Luke Peckett both believe enrolling on a York College T Level course has placed them on the right track for a career in engineering.

The Design and Development for Manufacturing and Engineering second-year students are currently completing their 315 placement hours with rail company Northern, as they combine their classroom tuition around gaining valuable experience in the workplace.

For Jackson and Luke, that workplace is often aboard fully operational trains in the real-life setting of York Railway Station – which is situated directly opposite the company’s impressive George Stephenson House offices.

If they need some further theoretical education or a few pointers on engineering history, meanwhile, they have also been known to receive lessons from their supervisor – Northern’s OnBoard Systems Service Technician Rob Brown – while walking around the exhibits in the National Railway Museum, which they have free access to as part of their placement.

Both students really appreciate the truly hands-on nature of their placement, with Jackson saying: “It’s really exciting to be able to work on trains in a station during a normal working day.”

Luke went on to add: “It’s great getting that first-hand experience and it will really help me in the future when I’m trying to get an apprenticeship. The placement has given me more experience using tools. 

“I can label every component on a train now and tell you what it does. Hopefully, I can go on to get an apprenticeship with Northern and develop into a Rail Engineer.” 

Jackson is hoping to follow the same career pathway.

“I think the T Level work placement helps you stand out ahead of everybody else,” he reasoned. “I’m hoping it will give me a leg up in terms of getting an apprenticeship after the course.” 

Many T Level students are going on to secure degree apprenticeships at the end of their two-year courses – with the advantage of employers paying them a salary and covering their tuition fees.


A T Level Distinction* grade is the equivalent in UCAS points of three A* grades at A Level, with a Distinction grade equivalent to three A grades and a Merit grade the equivalent of three B Grades. 

For Jackson, that factor influenced his decision to choose the T Level route when he was considering his post-16 options.

“Engineering was my favourite subject at school,” he explained. “I really enjoyed it, so I thought the opportunity to do it as a T Level would be perfect.

“I knew it was equivalent to three A Levels and that, instead of doing that, I could do a course that would involve more practical stuff while still learning as well. That enticed me more than anything.”

Luke decided a T Level was right for him after attending one of our College Open Events.

“I did an Open Event at York College and saw that A Levels weren’t for me,” he said. “I didn’t want to pick different individual subjects – I just wanted to focus on one and that’s what appealed to me about the T Level.

“I chose Engineering because I like using my hands, getting dirty and developing something to the end point.”

Both students agree on their favourite elements of the T Level Engineering course and the benefits of a model that sees classroom tuition dovetailing with work placement experience.

Jackson said: “I enjoy designing stuff and all the CAD (Computer-Aided Design) drawings, models and prototypes that we do. A lot of the stuff we learn in the classroom you can interlink with what you do on placement, so it demonstrates that the things we are learning at College are applicable when you go into a job. 

“I’ve also learned that engineering is not just about making stuff. It encompasses a wide variety of things and there are many options within a business.”

Jackson and Luke are even given tutorials in the National Railway Museum on their placement
Supervisor Rob Brown believes Jackson and Luke have fully immersed themselves in Northern's engineering department

On his course highlights, Luke declared: “I’ve enjoyed designing and prototyping models on CAD and developing those ideas. In College, we’re able to use a wide range of software programmes like (Autodesk) Inventor and SolidWorks and then make our designs come to fruition.

“That’s all been good preparation for my second year, because it is primarily project based as we get ready for our final exam, which lasts for 34 hours. 

“At Northern, there are many aspects to the business. For example, we’ve learned about compliance and the business and finance side, which you learn at College as well.

“Depending on which area of Engineering you want to go into, the T Level will help with all of that.”

Jackson has appreciated the welcoming environment he has found on his placement, pointing out: “All the Northern staff are friendly and welcoming and all just want you to do the best you can do. They all want to chat, see what you’re doing and where you’re up to.”

Similarly, Luke is positive about his interactions with the company’s employees.

“The staff are very supportive,” he enthused. “You can go to anyone with anything at anytime.

“They’ll always be there with a friendly face and answer any question you might have. After every session, we do a task sheet and, at the bottom of that task sheet, we have a query box and, if there is any question you want to ask, that will be answered at the next session.”


Northern’s OnBoard Systems Service Technician Rob Brown has been impressed by both Jackson and Luke’s attitude towards learning, saying: “The students’ contributions to the placement has been great. They have got involved with everything we have asked them to do and immersed themselves fully in the engineering department.

“They have asked a million-and-one questions, which is great, even if sometimes that means going a bit off topic. We are also giving both of them a bit of variety. 

“The engineering sector is vast – it’s not just about making things and working in workshops. We’ve had them in the Compliance departments, Health & Safety departments, as well as looking at drawings and technical specifications. 

“We’ve also invited them to sit in meetings with various different clients, so they are gaining a broad spectrum of experiences with different people in the business.”

Rob added that he believes the blending of College lessons and on-site mentoring makes the T Level model beneficial for both business and student.

“It’s good that they are going away and learning elements of engineering and then coming to us and being able to put it into practice,” he pointed out. “I think that’s key – it’s not just about learning and then moving onto the next thing.

“We’ve been able to do a lot of evidence-based tasks with them because of all the college work they’ve done first. I’d say the communication from York College is very good, too. We talk backwards and forwards about the students’ learning needs.” 

For any company that is considering whether to offer a T Level placement, Rob also has this message.

“I’d definitely recommend taking on T Level students,” he declared. “It’s valuable to the business, but it’s also giving somebody a look at life within the engineering sector beforehand, so you’re actually getting the right kind of person to potentially apply for a job at a later date.

“You can also mould that individual and find out how keen they are to work in the industry further down the line.”

Northern Chief Operating Officer Matt Rice added: "Working in partnership with York College has shown us what talent is being nurtured on our doorstep here in York and, with a decade of growth in engineering ahead of us, we look forward to fostering further opportunities for students.”

To learn more about our Design and Development for Manufacturing and Engineering T Level course, please click here

For more information on our full T Level and Vocational course offering, visit here

Our next Open Event on Monday 10th February (5.30pm-8pm) will also offer an opportunity to find out more about our full course offering and a chance to meet tutors. You can register a place here