Results Day - Frequently Asked Questions
Level 3 Results Day can be a stressful time, especially if you are holding conditional offers from universities, but tutors and the Careers Service will be available to help. Here is what you need to know as a student receiving results or as a parent/carer supporting a young person at this time.
The details.
Level 3 Results Day is on Thursday 17th August 2023.
You can collect your results anytime from 8:00am here at College.
On the day.
UCAS receives results directly and will update your UCAS Hub. You can expect this to happen at around 8:15am. The system will be very busy, so please be patient.
Give some thought as to whether you would like to open your results with friends and family or on your own.
While you should check the UCAS Hub to find out whether you have a place at either of your university choices, you will still need to collect your results to see exactly what grades you have received, especially if you need to enter Clearing.
If you need to go through Clearing, these are phone calls you need to make yourself. Universities will expect to speak to the student, not family members.
If the UCAS Hub has still not updated by mid-morning on Results Day, students need to phone the university because it suggests they are yet to make a final decision on the application.
The hotline phone number may be listed on the university website.
What if I don’t receive the grades I was hoping for?
If you find that you do not receive the grades you were hoping for, you will have time to handle this and can start making contact with universities in Clearing as soon as it is open.
Make sure important details and information are to hand:
- UCAS ID number and log-in details.
- UCAS Clearing number – this will only be available on the UCAS Hub if you have been rejected by both your first and insurance choices and become eligible for Clearing. The UCAS hub will also suggest courses and universities with spaces, based on what you have applied to study.
- A phone charger (in case you need to call universities), a pen and a notepad.
- UCAS personal statement – universities in Clearing will be able to see this and may ask questions based on this.
- GCSE results.
If you have met a firm offer.
Once the UCAS Hub status updates, a confirmation will be sent from the firm choice university. You will then be able to turn your attention to preparing for university.
If you have just missed your predicted grades.
An offer may still be received from your firm choice. You should check the UCAS Hub and see if the offer status has changed to ‘unconditional’ or if a place has been offered on a different course at the same university. This is known as a ‘changed course offer’, which you will need to accept or decline. If you wish to decline the offer, you can go into Clearing. You can also self-release into Clearing, if you wish to decline their other offers.
If you have just missed out on your grades by a few marks or intend to appeal any grades, you may be able to ask your firm choice to reconsider, if they haven’t accepted them. Speak to an adviser or tutor at College before doing so.
If you miss your firm offer, and the university will not accept you.
There are several options, which tutors will be able to talk you through, with specific regard to individual circumstances. These include:
- Accepting an insurance place.
- Applying to different universities through Clearing.
- Retaking your exams if you studied A Levels.
- Reapplying for next year.
If you have met your insurance offer.
Wait for a confirmation email to arrive and think about getting ready for university – just as if it was an offer from the firm choice university. You will also have to ‘accept’ this offer.
You will also need to update your student loan details with the correct university. This may affect the calculation for loan entitlement.
If your grades are much lower than predicted.
Keep calm and check the UCAS Hub, you may still have an offer. If the university hasn't made a decision yet, phone them to discuss the situation. Realising that neither the firm nor insurance university will accept you can be tough, but tutors can guide you through applying through Clearing.
When looking at Clearing vacancies, start with any that may be available at your original UCAS choices, as these are universities that you have considered and are familiar with. It also shows universities that you had an interest in them prior to the Clearing process.
Other options remain available too:
- Retaking A Levels next summer and reapplying for next year's UCAS cycle.
- Consider other options instead of university. Get yourself into the world of work earlier than you initially planned, explore a non-degree-level course, or do a traineeship or apprenticeship.
- Consider an effective gap year that could include some further study or re-takes, work experience, travel or other projects. The College Careers Service can help with gap year planning – there are some incredible options. Second time applicants are often stronger with "known grades" and a well-used gap year.
What happens next?
Once results and a university place are sorted, here is what else you need to crack on with:
- Sort out accommodation. Don't wait around as the best of what's left will get snatched up quickly.
- Get finances in order. These include savings, budgeting and finalising your student loan, as well as any purchases you may need to make.
- Research the area. If you have gone through Clearing and are heading to a completely different corner of the country than they expected, you should familiarise themselves with it.
To our students, from all of us at York College & University Centre, the very best of luck for Level 3 Results Day.