Results Day 2023 - Live Blog
What a fantastic day it's been celebrating our Level 3 A Level, T Level, Vocational and Apprenticeship students.
To conclude our Results Day celebrations, click here to read our Results Day press release.
Well done to everyone who has received Level 3 results today, no matter the outcome, your hard work and potential remain.
Principal Lee Probert said:
“There’s been a lot of speculation in the national media about the suppression of results this year, but we’ve seen really positive outcomes for our students. We’ve had a 100 per cent pass rate on our T Level provision for a second successive year, 99 per cent on our A Levels and a strong proportion of our vocational students have gained Distinction* or Distinction grades too.
“Many of the students getting their grades this year will have not sat their GCSE exams due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so we are particularly proud of their efforts given the inevitable repercussions of that challenging period on their education.
“I’d like to wish everyone who is leaving us all the very best for the future and look forward to welcoming back any returning students next month. I also want to take this opportunity to thank our teaching staff, whose hard work has been reflected by this positive set of results.”
Congratulations to Seth Mallison, formerly of Lady Lumley's School, who achieved three As and a C in his A Levels today.
“I’ve always had an interest in politics and current affairs. I chose York College because there was the opportunity to study four A Levels. I was particularly interested in politics, but this wasn’t offered by other colleges.
“I now plan to go to university to further my knowledge so I can progress into a career in my chosen field.”
Ash Stokes, Head of Construction, said:
“It’s always good to see the smiles from the students picking up their results for our T Levels and technical courses. It’s an important day for Construction, as we’re now into the third year of our delivery in the Construction Building environment.
“It was also the first year that we have run Electrical Installation T Levels and the results of those have been really promising. They’ve done really well for the first year of that programme.
“The second years who have completed their T Levels have done really well, too. We’ve got Distinctions and a lot of Merits.
“It’s the first year we haven’t had teacher-assessed grades for out T Levels and the students have worked really hard to get where they’ve got to.”
Congratulations to Chelsea Haskins and Rosie Gage who both studied our Level 3 Sport & Exercise Science Extended Diploma.
Chelsea Haskins (Triple Distinction):
“I chose this course because I’ve always had an interest in sport and wanted to develop my knowledge and learn new skills, particularly in sport psychology. I’ve really enjoyed my time here, and a couple of highlights include the university trips and achieving a high mark in the psychology unit.
“The facilities at York College are great, including an amazing range of sport facilities. They offer a range of up-to-date equipment for students to use, to help us achieve and apply the theory we learn in a practical way.
I’m now progressing to Leeds Trinity University to study BSc Sports Psychology, and hope to become a sport psychologist in the future.”
Rosie Gage (Triple Distinction*):
“I chose to study this course at York College as I had a real interest in sport and anatomy, and the theory that underpins this. We studied a variety of different topics to give us a real range of knowledge, and we applied this theory practically too to gain a better understanding, which was great.
“I knew that I didn’t want to study A Levels, so York College was the perfect choice for me as it offered a course that suited my learning style. The facilities at York College are great, and they offer courses to suit everyone.
“I’m now progressing to York St John University to study BA (Hons) Primary Education (5-11).”
Some words from Progress Coach Emma Palmer:
“It’s so nice to see the students back in again and getting the results they needed to get to university. For those students who haven’t got the results they wanted, however, we’re also here to sit down with them and have a conversation about their options going forward, including helping them go through Clearing and helping them support themselves throughout the day.
“While we are here celebrating everybody getting their results, we also understand that, for those who don’t get the results they wanted, being amongst something that’s very celebratory can be quite difficult, which is why we have a separate area for them to discuss their options going forward. We try and help students take a moment to look at the bigger picture.
“It’s not all on your results today – it’s about looking towards your future. You’ve finished College and you might not have got the results you wanted, but there are definitely other options going forward that we can help with.
“Every single student who has got their results today will have the option of a call with their progress coach in the next three weeks or so before the start of September. We’ve scheduled those calls in and, for students who feel they need further support, they can come in, email us or Teams us. We are all in normal working hours and can be grabbed when we’re needed.”
Well done to Imogen Wren who received three As on her A Levels today. Imogen studied Psychology, Biology and Philosophy.
“I enjoyed everything about studying to York College, especially the independence. I really liked the tutors both as people and in the way they supported me when I needed it.
“I have planned to take a gap year so I can go travelling, then next year I am going to Newcastle University to study Psychology”.
Congratulations to Sam Stokes who received a distinction in his Construction Design, Surveying & Planning T Level this morning.
“I chose this course because it opens up lots of opportunities and progression routes. My placement was with Morgan Sindall, which was excellent as I was able to work on lots of different projects.
“I chose York College because it was one of the only colleges in the UK to offer this T Level course. York College also has a great reputation.
“I’m now going to study a degree-apprenticeship with Vinci Construction doing Quantity Surveying.”
Karen Goodman, Head of Sport, Public Services and Hair & Beauty said:
“It’s been buzzing today and so busy, with a lot of happy faces, which is fantastic to see. Our results have gone very well and we’re really proud of our students, which was shown by the great turn-out of staff members from our department, who all wanted to congratulate everybody on their results.
“We’re thrilled to bits with how well they’ve done. It’s the best moment of the year when you see the success of the students and hear about where they’re going to next. It makes everything worthwhile.”
Congratulations to Mathilda Sweetman who received a Merit in her Early Years & Childcare T Level. Mathilda, who was formerly at Manor CE Academy, chose York College as she is local to York and thought it looked really good.
“I was interested in working in childcare and it looked like a good course. I really enjoyed my placement while at College and the tutors were amazing.
“I’m excited for my next steps as I am now going to study an apprenticeship with Specsavers.”
Congratulations to former York High student, Dario Labrador, who received an A* in Spanish, a C in Business, a B in Computer Science and an A in Extended Projects Qualification (EPQ).
“I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do so I kept my options open with the subjects I chose. I really enjoyed computer science and I’d like to work in a large business. I also wanted to choose Spanish because of my native background.
"I chose York College because of the large choice of subject areas, particularly in areas I am interested in.
"A highlight for me was learning about perseverance. This made me a lot more confident in working independently.
"With my results, I can now go to Newcastle University to study Computer Science and Software Engineering."
Celebrations are in order for Lily-Mae Adamson who is on her way to study medicine at the University of York.
Lily-Mae received two As and two Bs in Biology, Financial Studies, Chemistry and Maths.
“I wanted to go to medical school and I had this career in mind. The subjects I chose gave me independence which I liked. My tutors were really helpful and great at keeping me on track. I really enjoyed financial studies as it taught me a lot of life skills.
“I chose York College because I wanted to go somewhere where I could meet other students and new people.”
Well done to Katie Tordoff-Brown on acheieving a merit grade in her Education & Childcare T Level.
“I have a passion for working with children and this course gave a good balance of both theoretical and practical approaches. The placement I did in a nursery was a great experience and I really enjoyed it.
“I chose York College because of the T Levels that they offer, not many colleges offer these.
“I am now excited to go to Norland College in Bath and my dream is to then become a nanny.”
Congratulations to Olivia Cullen who was first in line this morning to receive her results. Olivia received 3 Bs in her A Levels and was really pleased with her results.
“I chose Psychology, Business and Law because these are the subjects I’m most interested in. In particular I really liked psychology.
“My sister previously came to York College and recommended that I did too as it’s a great college and the pass rate is good.
“These results mean I can now go on to study at Northumbria University, which I’m really happy about as I love Newcastle as a city.”
Congratulations to Dominic Taylor who received a distinction in Level 3 Computer Games Development.
“I originally started A Levels but decided to change my path as I really enjoy coding and have always been better at creative studies. In particular, I enjoyed my final project which was making a horror game.
“I chose York College because I was ready for a different and more adult environment. I am now going to go to Teesside University to study games programming.”
Congratulations to Leila Adamson who received an A* and three As in her A Levels this morning. Leila, who previously attended Gateways School in Harrogate studied A Levels in Psychology, Business, Photography and Maths. Leila is now on her way to the University of York.
Leila was thrilled with her results and says said is “chuffed to bits!”.
"I always wanted to do business at university and I really enjoy photography. In particular, my business tutors Paul and Liam were great.
"I chose York College because I previously went to an all girls school and there were just 25 students in my year. I wanted to study somewhere bigger to prepare me for university and York College was a great stepping stone."
Congratulations to our women’s football team captain Hannah Langford, whose achievements on the pitch and in the classroom as a Geography, Biology and Sociology A Level student have secured her a football scholarship at Loughborough University.
“York College has provided an amazing environment for me where it was possible to do both sport to a high standard as well as study alongside that. This was made even easier by constant support from members of staff.
“I was especially supported by my Progress Tutor Stu (Horsfield), who’s the best! College provided me with some of the most amazing sporting opportunities, which have developed me as a person and a player, like representing my country in the England Colleges national team.
“The York College football team has not only provided me with some amazing football memories but some of my best friends too. There are so many amazing highlights to choose from my time at College, but I’d have to go with either winning the ECFA Cup final or our team trip to Valencia.
“I’m now starting a football scholarship at Loughborough University, where the sports facilities are world class and, once again, it’s a place where you can study at the highest level, alongside playing sport at the highest level too.”
Good morning everyone and welcome to our live Results Day blog 2023.
Throughout the day, we'll be celebrating the achievements of York College’s A Level students, T Level students, vocational students and our apprentices.
Keep your eyes peeled throughout the day to read about the successes of our students and their exciting plans for the future.