Beauty Apprentice Lucy Farrow shining at Verbena Spa
National Apprenticeship Week 2025 is the perfect time to celebrate rising stars in the beauty industry, and first-year Beauty Apprentice Lucy Farrow is a shining example.
Working and training at Verbena Spa in Helmsley, Lucy’s passion for beauty stems from her mother, a hardworking mobile hairdresser who has been her greatest source of support and inspiration.
With a strong work ethic and growing skill set, Lucy has already gained experience providing manicures and pedicures to paying clients and is now preparing to deliver her first facial.
Lucy's enjoyment of the social aspects of her apprenticeship, both at York College and in the beauty industry, have given her the opportunity to meet new people whom she has built long-lasting friendships with.
Speaking highly of her York College tutor Rachel Willits and describing her as caring, supportive, and approachable, Lucy believes that having a good relationship with a tutor makes learning easier and more enjoyable.
Recruiting the apprentice due to her enthusiasm for the industry, Spa Manager Kelly Nicholson has witnessed Lucy’s confidence flourish throughout her apprenticeship and emphasises that, when selecting an apprentice, personality is key. She also highlights the invaluable role apprentices play within the team, bringing fresh enthusiasm, skills and energy to the spa.

What inspired you to pursue a career in beauty therapy?
“I’d say I’ve always had an interest in beauty. I’m quite girly. I think apprenticeships are the way forward as you’re learning on the job. I feel like I’ve learnt so much already.”
Why did you choose an apprenticeship over other training routes?
“My mum and dad have always been workers and I think, at 18, I want to have a full-time job and to start saving up. I want to learn and get myself there and, with the way apprenticeships work, they’re better suited to me. I was definitely ready to get out into the world of work as I’m more of a hands-on person. Sitting with a book studying wasn’t for me.”
Do you have an idol or particular person who has inspired you?
“I’d say that my mum inspires me the most. She got into hairdressing when she was 13, so she’s always worked and she now has her own business as a mobile hairdresser. It’s great because she can do my hair and I can do beauty treatments on her.
“My mum is so supportive in everything I do, and she always tells me to just go for things. She’s also always there to be a model to practice on, which is nice!”
How did you feel on your first day at Verbena Spa?
“On my first day at Verbena Spa, I did feel nervous, and I wasn’t sure what it was going to be like, but everyone was really welcoming. There’s around 20 people in the Spa Team and we all get on really well. I’ve been mentored by Christina who is responsible for my training, she’s really good.
“When I first started, I didn’t feel like I knew much but now it’s a great feeling being able to do treatments. It’s nice to make people feel happy and pampered.”
What’s your favourite treatment to perform, and why?
“So far, I have performed manicures and pedicures on paying clients. I’m enjoying performing deluxe pedicures because it includes a foot mask and an exfoliator, but then I love doing a facial. It’s nice to have a mixture. Getting into treatments has really put a smile on my face.
“We haven’t started on facials at College just yet, but because I’m doing my apprenticeship in a spa, I’ve already been given lots of training. I’ve done facials on models and now that I’m signed off, next week I’ll be performing a facial on a paying client. I’ve had some lovely comments from my models and I feel like I’ve got a head start at College now too.
“To train to perform a facial, I spent three full eight-hour days, each with five clients. Me and my mentor Christina worked on these together and she gave me feedback throughout. They were long days, but it was so worth it. It’s all about practice and going over and over it until it’s clear in your head.”
How has your experience of York College been?
“I love all the friends I’ve made at College. I also like that, because of the industry, you get to chat to lots of new people.
“My tutor at College, Rachel Willits, is lovely. She really cares and she can have a laugh with us all too. You always learn more I think when you get on with your tutor, it really helps and she’s so supportive.”
What’s been the biggest challenge in balancing work and study, and how have you overcome it?
“To study an apprenticeship, you’ve got to be quite good at time management to keep on top of your learning at College as well working. I get two days off a week and I use this time to sit and work through my College studies. College are good at giving us work in bitesize bits and Rachel also goes through revision with us in lessons.”
How has your apprenticeship shaped your career ambitions?
“My apprenticeship has made me realise that there is so much you can do in the beauty industry. You can get your initial qualification and then take it in lots of different directions and places of work.
“I think I’d like to work for myself like my mum one day, but I would miss my work friends as we all get on so well. I’ve made some friends here that I’m now friends with outside of work.
“My dream is to get more qualifications and to do more courses on the side. You learn so much on your apprenticeship but there are things you can then learn like eyelash extensions and spray tans. I’d be really interested in doing that.”
If you could give advice to someone considering a Beauty Therapy Apprenticeship, what would it be?
“To anyone considering an apprenticeship, I’d say go for it. It’s definitely worth it, you learn lots and there’s so much you can do with it.”
How does it feel to be part of a team at Verbena Spa, and how has it influenced your personal and professional growth?
“Working as part of a team at Verbena Spa has been really inspiring. There are members of the team who started as apprentices like me and now they’re fully qualified therapists. They’ve taught me a lot and given me advice and support for different situations. They’re always asking me how things are going and saying ‘good luck’ if I’m working on something new. They understand how it feels to be new and how much you have to learn.”

What motivated you to take on an apprentice?
“For me, it gives you the opportunity to train and develop a therapist from the beginning, right through to the end. Apprentices really benefit us as a business, they support the fully qualified therapists by helping them in between treatments and clearing down.
“Also, because we’ve trained Lucy up with manicures, pedicures and facials, if another therapist is unwell, we’ve got that extra person now to jump in and help.”
What duties has Lucy been carrying out in the spa?
“Day-to-day, the apprentices will work on reception and carry out guest show arounds. After treatments, clients receive drinks and sorbets, so the apprentices help prepare those, too.
“We do lots of hands-on learning where our senior therapist Christina provides one-on-one support with each of our apprentices. Christina is trained by Temple Spa to train inhouse, so she’s taken on the role of nurturing and getting the apprentices up to speed.”
How have your apprentices progressed since joining Verbena Spa?
“Looking at how they’ve developed since they started, their confidence is completely different. They arrive with us often very shy and scared to talk to people, but now their people skills have really developed.
“We don’t let our apprentices perform a treatment until we know they’re 100% competent at that treatment. I wouldn’t want to knock their confidence if they’re not ready for it. We start off with training, then we offer members of the spa half-price treatments, then they go into full columns, then they’re away!”
What qualities do you look for in an apprentice and what made Lucy stand out?
“When we’re recruiting an apprentice, I go on personality. I know all the Beauty Therapists really well so I’ll look to see how an apprentice will fit in with the rest of the team. I feel that skills can always be taught.
“The apprentices keep us all on our toes with bringing in new skills because things change in the beauty industry so much. They get all the new ideas and trends that are happening from their college studies.
“When I first met Lucy I thought that she was very keen to be in the industry which was great. She’s progressed loads and the confidence she now has is brilliant.”
Do clients respond positively to treatments provided by apprentices?
“Recognition really helps an apprentice’s confidence to grow. When the apprentices get any feedback through our guest reviews, if the apprentice is mentioned we let them know and it really gives them a boost. We also have a monthly Spa Star Award.”
What progression opportunities are you able to offer your apprentices?
“We have taken on a lot of apprentices and have had a relationship with the College for more than four years now. The idea for us is that we take someone on as an apprentice and follow it through to offer them a permanent position if we have one available at the end of their apprenticeship. That for me is really important.”
For more information about the Level 2 Beauty Therapy Apprenticeship, click here.
To learn more about Verbena Spa, click here.