Welcome to York College and University Centre, as a visitor to the College, we would like to draw your attention to the steps you need to take to comply with our Health & Safety procedures. We want all students, staff and visitors to feel safe while they are with us.
All visitors must comply with these instructions
- On arrival at the College, all visitors must sign in at the Welcome Desk. You will be issued with a visitor badge which must be worn at all times
- A parking permit must be displayed in your vehicle, please note that holders of white permits are required to pay and display
- Please do not leave belongings unattended around the College – they are liable to be removed
- Upon leaving, visitors must sign out and return their visitor badge to the Welcome Desk
- Speed limits and other movement instructions must be observed.
York College will, so far as is reasonably practicable, protect visitors from hazards associated with its undertakings. Please remember that visitors have a duty to take reasonable care of themselves and are responsible for the safety of anyone else who may be affected by their actions or omissions.
Please read carefully and follow the instructions
- York College has many potentially dangerous working environments; please only enter areas relevant to your visit
- Please wear personal protective clothing and equipment as directed e.g. coats, safety glasses
- Please follow any safety instructions given by your host and or College officer
- Please take note of any warning signs and follow the information displayed
It is important that all visitors must comply with these instructions.
You must notify the College if you have restricted access to young people.
In order to avoid misunderstandings with young people, please do not be alone with a student at any time. Also, do not do anything which could be deemed as grooming.
Please do not
- Swear or use inappropriate language
- Make jokes or comments which are sexist, racists, religious or relate to disability
- Bully the student or engage in horseplay
- Exchange personal contact details
- Deviate from the agreed programme of work
If a young person tells you something of a personal nature
- Listen
- Do not ask leading questions
- Do not make judgements
- Tell them you will have to pass this information on
- Inform your College contact or ask the Welcome Team to refer you to a designated safeguarding person (DSP)
- Afterwards, make notes of what you were told, what you did and why you did it.
If you discover a fire
- Activate the alarm immediately by pressing the nearest fire alarm break glass
- If you require assistance in your evacuation, wait in a fire refuge on the stairwell and inform the incident team by using the red intercom, wait there until given further instructions
- Otherwise, leave the building by the nearest fire exit route; these are clearly signed around the campus
- Proceed to the nearest evacuation assembly point and await further instructions
- There are two evacuation assembly points, one at the front beyond the bus shelter and one below the sports field
- Inform the Evacuation Coordinator of the details of the incident.
On hearing the alarm
- Stop what you are doing
- Turn off any equipment you are using, if possible
- If you require assistance in your evacuation, wait in a fire refuge on the stairwell and inform the Incident Team using the red intercom, wait there until given further instructions
- Otherwise, leave the building by the nearest fire exit route
- Proceed to the nearest evacuation assembly point and await further instructions
- Assembly points, one at the front beyond the bus shelter and the others are near the sports field
If you require a first aider whilst on campus you can call ext 444 from an internal phone, or